MEET in Oxford Making EMDR & Energy Therapies more accessible in Oxford

Making EMDR and Energy Therapies more accessible in Oxford

Low Cost Trauma Therapy with Experienced Psychotherapists
MEET in Oxford is a charity providing low cost trauma-focused therapy to people who live in Oxfordshire and cannot afford private therapy or access appropriate NHS or insurance funded therapy.

Due to the volume of referrals, we have had to close our waiting list for the time being. We hope to be able to open it again later in the year.

Who we work with
Our clients are looking for therapy because their lives are seriously affected now by difficult experiences in the past.

We include within our understanding of trauma a wide range of disturbing experiences, both repeated or enduring trauma (for example, abusive relationships, bullying, childhood abuse, neglect) and single incident trauma (for example, road traffic accidents, a sexual assault). We also work with people suffering trauma arising in armed conflict.

Therapy can be hard work and you need to have enough stability in your life now to look back at the past. Because of this it is important that when you start, you feel ready to attend regularly and engage with the process. There’s more information about the criteria for starting therapy with MEET in Oxford on the Referral & Assessment page.

The approaches we use
We use two approaches to working with trauma, Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Energy Psychotherapies. There is more information on the page Our Approaches.

Where do therapy sessions take place?
Most sessions take place by video call (eg Zoom). We have a few in-person appointments in central Oxford on Mondays only. These are for people who have a strong reason for needing to see a therapist in person – perhaps you don’t have the technology needed to attend online sessions, or English isn’t your first language, or you don’t have a safe private space at home.

How to apply
When the waiting list is open, there will be information on the Referral & Assessment page about how to access this service for your clients or for yourself.

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